National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad

Books at NIP


Book-Student Unrest


Student Unrest at University Campus

Syed Ashiq Ali Shah
Farah Deeba

1996: 130pp.
Price: Rs.600

This technical report outlines the National and International reasons that student unrest takes place. Student unrest, vulnerability, academic activities, hopeless, achievement motivation, and certain critical values related to student unrest have been discussed.

Guidance and Counseling Programme in Islamabad Schools

Surraiya Jabin Nasir
Zafar Afaq Ansari

1986: 47pp.
ISBN: 969-8022-06-6
Price: Rs.500

This publication outlines the procedures, method, administrative planning, and the successful running of guidance and counseling centers in five different locations in the city of Islamabad. The roles and responsibilities of principal actors are specified

Book-Guidance and Couselling Prog. in IBD Sch
Book-Community Attitudes and Practices Regarding the Disabled Children

Community Attitudes and Practices Regarding the Disabled Children

Z. A. Ansari

1992: 57pp.

Price: Rs.600

Community has traditionally refused to commit to fulfill the rights of the disabled for long. The report studies the attitude meted out to disabled children in Socio-Cultural milieu. Appropriate for those who work with disablity and community related projects.

The Attitude of Rural Population Towards Female Education

Iftikhar N. Hassan

1989: 203pp.

Price: Rs.800

Ethnic and cultural affiliations dictate standards for socially acceptable behaviors. This publication highlights the intrapersonal, interpersonal, social, and cultural cognitive beliefs that function as barriers and impediments in education of females.

Book-Attitude of Rural Pop. towards Female Ed
Book-Psy Profile of Rural Women

Psychological Profile of Rural Women

Iftikhar N. Hassan

1982: 177pp.

Price: Rs.800

Development programmes need a fundamental understanding of the characteristics of the target populations to design applicable research. The technical report provides an avid understanding of the gender roles socialization and their psychological implication for the rural women

Rearing and Caring of Children (Urdu)

Pervaiz Naeem Tariq

1983: 147pp.

Price: Rs.600

This publication translates the psychological and physical needs of children for easy comprehension by care givers and parents. It provides the normal course of development and provides guidance to parents and caregivers about standards of development.

Book-Rearing and Caring of Children (Urdu)
Book-Educational and Psychological Tests (Urdu)

Educational and Psychological Tests (Urdu)

Iftikhar Ahmad

1987: 136pp.
ISBN: 969-8022-12-0
Price: Rs.800

This technical report identifies the elements that outline the various facets of educational assessment. It guides educationists about methods of formal and informal assessment of a child’s academic ability and mastery of Academic content.

Vocational Guidance (Urdu)

Pervaiz Naeem Tariq

1986: 83pp.
ISBN: 969-8022-07-4
Price: Rs.500

Professional guidance can help an individual in effective planning, execution and management of their work demands. This technical report helps in taking practical steps in setting up a professional guidance to help students and other novices

Book-Vocational Guidance (Urdu)
Book-Psychological Problems of Children (Urdu)

Psychological Problems of Children (Urdu)

Pervaiz Naeem Tariq

1985: 107pp.
ISBN: 969-8022-00-7
Price: Rs.600

A child can become a problem for care givers, school administration and teachers if he/she exhibits problematic behavior, especially if adults are unable to identify the root cause of pathology. This report presents an exhaustive list of psychological problems of children

Theories of Piaget (Urdu)

Amjad Tufail
M. Israr Khan

1993: 96pp.
ISBN: 969-8022-29-5
Price: Rs.500

Piagetian psychology is believed to be a phenomenological breakthrough in child psychology. Although introduced in the late 50’s, it still used as a reference point for cognitive development of children. The path of development and chronological acquisition of skills by children have been indigenized and simplified for the layman

Book-Theories of Piaget (Urdu)
Book-Guidance and Couselling by Surriya

Guidance and Counseling (Urdu)

Surraiya Jabeen Nasir

1985: 35pp.
ISBN: 969-8022-01-5
Price: Rs.500

This booklet caters to academic guidance and counseling practices. It outlines the real essence of education, the role of teachers, and other individuals associated with the important task of education. It can serve as a manual for the academia.