National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad

Dr. Muhammad Ajmal

Centre of Excellence, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad



NIP Library also offer service of NIPSCAN, which is a unique effort on behalf of NIP Library, as it offers access to articles in journals. NIPSCAN lists articles appearing in journals received by NIP Library. It includes subject index and author index, which facilitates researchers to locate desired material. Full text articles can be obtained through relevant journals. NIPSCAN is updated yearly.

WEBB, KRISTIN B. Care of others and self: A suicidal patient’s impact on the psychologist. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 2011 (June) Vol. 42 (3) 215-221
YOUNGGREN, JEFFREY N. et al. A legal and ethical review of patient responsibilities and psychotherapist duties. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 2011 (April) Vol. 42 (2) 160-168
ADAMS, ZACHARY W. et al. Does response variability predict distractibility among adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder? Psychological Assessment 2011(June) Vol.23(2) 427-436
ARBISI, PAUL A. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Iinventory-2 restructured form in national guard soldiers screening positive for posttraumatic stress disorder and mild traumatic brain injury. Psychological Assessment 2011 (March) Vol. 23 (1) 203-214
BARKLEY, RUSSELL A. et al. Correspondence and in the self- and other ratings of current and childhood ADHD symptoms and impairment in adults with ADHD. Psychological Assessment 2011 (June) Vol. 23 (2) 437-446
BLONIGEN, DANIEL M. et al. Delineating the construct network of the personnel reaction blank: Associations with externalizing tendencies and normal personality. Psychological Assessment 2011 (March) Vol. 23 (1) 18-30
BORNSTEIN, ROBERT F. Toward a process-focused model of test score validity: Improving psychological assessment in science and practice. Psychological Assessment 2011(June) Vol.23(2) 532-544
BRAVERMAN, JULIA. et al. A taxometric analysis of actual internet sports gambling behavior. Psychological Assessment2011(March)Vol.23(1)234-244
CARLSON, EVE B. et al. Development and validation of a Brief Self-Report Measure of Trauma Exposure: The trauma history screen. Psychological Assessment 2011 (June) Vol. 23 (2) 463-477
CARLSON, MIKE. et al. Psychometric properties of reverse-scored items on the CES-D in a sample of ethnically diverse older adults. Psychological Assessment 2011 (June) Vol. 23 (2) 558-562
BEHRINGER, JOHANNA. et al. Maternal representations of past and current attachment relationships, and emotional experience across the transition to motherhood: A longitudinal study. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (April) Vol. 25 (2) 210-219
CALLAHAN, KRISTIN L. et al. Neighborhood disadvantage as a moderator of the association between harsh parenting and toddler-aged children’s internalizing and externalizing problems. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (February) Vol. 25 (1) 68-76
COWN, CAROLYN PAPE. et al. Couples’ groups for parents of preschoolers: Ten- Year outcomes of a randomized trial. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (April) Vol. 25 (2) 240-250
CRESPO, CARLA. et al. Family rituals in New Zealand families: Links to family cohesion and adolescents’ well-being. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (April) Vol. 25 (2) 184-193
DAGAN, MEIRAV. et al. Spousal support and changes in distress over time in couples coping with cancer: The role of personal control. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (April) Vol. 25 (2) 310-318
DUSH, CLAIRE M. KAMP. et al. predictors of supportive coparenting after relationship dissolution among at-risk parents. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (June) Vol. 25 (3) 356-365
EICHELSHEIM, VERONI I. et al. Negativity in problematic and nonproblematic families: A multigroup social relations model analysis with structured means. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (February) Vol. 25 (1) 152-156
FROST, David M.Stigma and Intimacy in same–sex relationships: A narrative approach. Journal of Family Psychology2011 (February) Vol. 25 (1) 1-10
GALATZER-LEVY, ISAAC R. et al.What we don’t expect when expecting: evidence for heterogeneity in subjective well-being in response to parenthood. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (June) Vol. 25 (3) 384-392
GEWIRTZ, ABIGAILE H. et al. Effects of mother’s parenting practices on child internalizing trajectories following partner violence. Journal of Family Psychology2011 (February) Vol. 25 (1) 28-38
GOLOMBOK, SUSAN. et al.Children conceived by gamete donation: Psychological adjustment and mother-child relationships at age 7. Journal of Family Psychology 2011(April) Vol.25(2)230-239.
GOODMAN, SHERRY1 H. et al. Measuring children’s perceptions of their mother’s depression: The Children’s Perceptions of Others’ Depression Scale- Mother Version. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (April) Vol. 25 (2) 163-173
GRAHAM, JAMES M. et al. The reliability of relationship satisfaction: A reliability generalization meta-analysis. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (February) Vol. 25 (1) 39-48
GROENEVELD, MARLEEN G. et al.Enhancing home-based child care quality through video-Feedback intervention: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (February) Vol. 25 (1) 86-96.
HADLEY, WENDY. et al. Monitoring challenges: A closer look at parental monitoring, maternal psychopathology, and adolescent sexual risk. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (April) Vol. 25 (2) 319-323
HALE, LAUREN. et al. A longitudinal study of preschoolers’ language-based bedtime routines, sleep duration, and well-being. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (June) Vol. 25 (3) 423-433
HORWITZ, BRIANA N. et al. The role of aggressive personality and family relationships in explaining family conflict. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (April) Vol. 25 (2) 174-183
KELLY, RYAN J & EL-SHEIKH, MONA. Marital conflict and children’s sleep: Reciprocal relations and socioeconomic effects. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (June) Vol. 25 (3) 412-422
KORFF, LYNN VON & GROTEVANT, HAROLD D. Contact in adoption and adoptive identity formation: The mediating role of family conversation. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (June) Vol. 25 (3) 393-401
LI, LI. et al. Facing HIV as a family: Predicting depressive symptoms with correlated responses. Journal of Family Psychology 2011(April)Vol.25(2)202-209
LIM, JUNGHA. et al.Effects of paternal and maternal depressive symptoms on child internalizing symptoms and Asthma disease activity: Mediation by interparental negativity and parenting. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (February)Vol. 25 (1)137-146
LINDAHL, KRISTIN M & MALIK, NEENA M.Marital conflict typology and children’s appraisals: The moderating role of family cohesion. Journal of Family Psychology 2011(April)Vol.25(2)194-201.
LOPEZ, JAMIE L. et al.Religious commitment, adult attachment, and marital adjustment in newly married couples.Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (April)Vol. 25 (2) 301-309
MADHYASTHA, TARA M.Investigating spousal influence using moment-to-moment affect data from marital conflict. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (April)Vol. 25 (2) 292-300
MANONGDO, JENNIFER A & GARCIA, JORGE I. RAMIREZ.Maternal parenting and mental health of Mexican American youth: A bidirectional and prospective approach. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (April)Vol. 25 (2)261-270
McDonald, Renee. et al. Predictors of domestically violent men’s aggression toward children: A prospective study. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (February) Vol. 25 (1) 11-18
OWEN, JESSE J. et al. The role of leaders’ working alliance in premarital education. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (February) Vol. 25 (1) 49-57.
PETTIT, JEREMY W. et al. Developmental relations between perceived social support and depressive symptoms through emerging adulthood: Blood is thicker than water. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (February) Vol. 25 (1) 127-136
PIOTROWSKI, CAROLINE C.Patterns of adjustment among siblings exposed to intimate partner violence.Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (February)Vol. 25 (1)19-28
POLUSNY, MELISSA A. et al.Effects of parents’ experiential avoidance and PTSD on adolescent disaster-related posttraumatic stress symptomatology. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (April)Vol. 25 (2)220-229
RAKOW, AARON. et al.Use of parental guilt induction among depressed parents.Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (February)Vol. 25 (1)147-151
RHOADES, GALENA K. et al.Breaking up is hard to do: The impact of unmarried relationship dissolution on mental health and life satisfaction. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (June) Vol. 25 (3) 366-374.
RHOADES, KIMBERLY A. et al. Longitudinal pathways from marital hostility to child anger during toddlerhood: Genetic susceptibility and indirect effects via harsh parenting. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (April) Vol 25 (2),
ROWE, LORELEI SIMPSON.Coexisting difficulties and couple therapy outcomes: Psychopathology and intimate partner violence. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (June) Vol. 25 (3) 455-458
SAXBE, DARBY E. et al. Time spent in housework and leisure: Links with parents’ physiological recovery from work. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (April)Vol. 25 (2)271-281
SELLERS, KATIE. et al. Adolescent mothers’ relationships with their own mothers: Impact on parenting outcomes. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (February)Vol. 25 (1)117-126
SENTSE, MIRANDA. et al. Child temperament moderates the impact of parental separation on adolescent mental health: The trails study. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (February) Vol. 25 (1) 97-106
SHALLCROSS, SANDRA L. et al. Not “capitalizing” on social capitalization interactions: The role of attachment insecurity. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (February) Vol. 25 (1) 77-85
SLATCHER, RICHARD B & TRENTACOSTA, CHRISTOPHER J.A naturalistic observation study of the links between parental depressive symptoms and preschoolers’ behaviors in everyday life. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (June) Vol. 25 (3) 444-448
SOLMEYER, ANNA R. et al.Coparenting around siblings’ differential treatment in Mexican-origin families.Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (April) Vol. 25 (2) 251-260
STEENBERGEN, ELIANNE F. VAN. et al.Workload and the trajectory of marital satisfaction in newlyweds: Job satisfaction, gender, and parental status as moderators. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (June)Vol. 25 (3) 345-355
STEIN, CATHERINE H. et al.Family ties in tough times: How young adults and their parents view the U.S economic crisis. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (June) Vol. 25 (3) 449-454
STEWART, S. EVELYN. et al. Development and psychometric properties of the OCD Family Functioning (OFF) Scale. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (June) Vol. 25 (3) 434-443
TROMBELLO, JESEPH M. et al. Relationship functioning moderates the association between depressive symptoms and life stressors. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (February) Vol. 25 (1) 58-67
VAN DOOARM, MURIEL D. et al. Longitudinal spillover effects of conflict resolution styles between adolescent-parent relationship and adolescent friendships. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (February) Vol. 25 (1) 157-161
WHALEN, CAROL K. et al. Dissecting daily distress in mothers of children with ADHD: An electronic diary study. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (June) Vol. 25 (3) 402-411
WHEELER, LOREY A. et al. Work and Mexican American parent-adolescent relationship: The mediating role of parent well-being. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (February) Vol. 25 (1) 107-116
WHISMAN, MARK A. et al. Relationship adjustment, depression, and anxiety during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (June) Vol. 25 (3) 375-383
WOODIN, ERICA M. A two-dimensional approach to relationship conflict: Meta- analytic findings. Journal of Family Psychology 2011 (June) Vol. 25 (3) 325-335
AIMMERMAN, GREGORY M & POGARSKY, GREG. The consequences of parental underestimation and overestimation of youth exposure to violence. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (February) Vol. 73 (1) 194-208
AMATO, PAUL R. KANE, JENNNIFER B. Life-course pathways and the psychosocial adjustment of young adult women. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (February) Vol. 73 (1) 279-295
BERNARDI, LAURA.A mixed-methods social networks study design for research on transnational families. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (August) Vol. 73 (4) 788-803
BLEDSOE, CAROLINE H & SOW, PAPA. Back to Africa: Second chances for the children of west African immigrants. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (August) Vol. 73 (4) 747-762
CALKINS, SUSAN D. Biopsychosocial models and the study of family processes and child adjustment. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (August) Vol. 73 (4) 817-821
CARLSON, MARCIA J. et al.Couples as partners and parents over children’s early years. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (April) Vol. 73 (2) 317-334.
CHEN, JUAN & TAKEUCHI, DAVID T. Intermarriage, ethnic identity, and perceived social standing among Asian women in the United States. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (August) Vol. 73 (4) 876-888
CHU, C. Y. CYRUS. et al. Coresidence with elderly parents: A comparative study of southeast China and Taiwan. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (February) Vol. 73 (1) 120-135
CLEMENTS, MARI L. et al. Declines in marital satisfaction among new mothers: Broad strokes versus fine details. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (February) Vol. 73 (1) 13-17
COLEY, REBEKAH LEVINE. et al. Do children’s behavior problems limit poor women’s labor market success? Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (February) Vol. 73 (1) 33-45
CONG, ZHEN & SIL, VERSTEIN MERRIL. Intergenerational exchange between parents and migrant and nonmigrant sons in rural China. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011(February)Vol.73(1)93-104.
DEATER-DECKARD, KIRBY. Families and genomes: The next generation. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (August) Vol. 73 (4) 822-826
DEMARIS, ALFRED. et al. Doing the scut work of infant care: Does religiousness encourage father involvement? Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (April) Vol. 73 (2) 354-368
DEW, JEFFREY & WILCOX, W. BRADFORD. If momma ain’t happy: Explaining declines in marital satisfaction among new mothers. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011(February)Vol.73(1) 1-12
DONATO, KATHARINE M & DUNCAN, EBONY M. Migration, social networks, and child health in Mexican families. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (August) Vol. 73 (4) 713-728
FAGAN, JAY & PALKOVITZ, ROB. Coparenting and relationship quality effects on father engagement: Variations by residence, Romance. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (June) Vol. 73 (3) 637-653
FOMBY, PAULA & ESTACION, ANGELA. Cohabitation and children’s externalizing behavior in low-income Latino families. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (February) Vol. 73 (1) 46-66
FRECH, ADRIANNE & KIMBRO, RACHEL TOLBERT.Maternal mental health, neighborhood characteristics, and time investments in children. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (June) Vol. 73 (3) 605-620.
GANONG, LAWRENCE H. et al. Patterns of stepchild-stepparent relationship development. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (April) Vol. 73 (2) 396-413
GARRETT-PETERS, PATRICIA. et al. Fathers’ early emotion talk: Associations with income, ethnicity, and family factors. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (April) Vol. 73 (2) 335-353
GASSMAN-PINES, ANNA. Associations of low-income working mothers’ daily interactions with supervisors and mother-child interactions. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (February) Vol. 73 (1) 67-76
GEIST, CLAUDIA & COHEN, PHILIP N. Headed toward equality? Housework change in comparative perspective. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (August) Vol. 73 (4) 832-844
GIBSON-DAVIS, CHRISTINA. Mothers but not wives: The increasing lag between nonmarital births and marriage. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (February) Vol. 73 (1) 264-278
GOLDBERG, ABBIE E. et al. Lesbian, gay, and heterosexual couples in open adoption arrangements: A qualitative study. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (April) Vol. 73 (2) 502-518
GOODMAN, W. BENJAMIN. et al. Paternal work stress and latent profiles of father-infant parenting quality. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (June) Vol. 73 (3) 588-604
GRAHAM, ELSPETH & JORDAN, LUCY P. Migrant parents and the psychological well-being of left-behind children in Southeast Asia. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (August) Vol.73(4)763-787
HARKNETT, KRISTEN S & HARTNETT, CAROLINE STEN. Who lacks support and why? An examination of mothers’ personal safety nets. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (August) Vol. 73 (4) 861-875
HENRETTA, JOHN C. et al. Why do families differ? Children’s care for an unmarried mother. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (April) Vol. 73 (2) 383-395
HOHMANN-MARRIOTT, BRYNDL. Coparenting and father involvement in married and unmarried coresident couples. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (February)Vol. 73 (1) 296-309
HORWITZ, BRIANA N & NEIDERHISER, JENAE M. Gene-environment interplay, family relationships, and child adjustment. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (August) Vol. 73 (4) 804-816
HORWITZ, BRIANA N & NEIDERHISER, JENAE M. Understanding family process and child adjustment through behavioral genetic research: A reply. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (August) Vol. 73 (4) 827-831
KAHN, JOAN R. et al. Help to family and friends: Are there gender differences at older ages? Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (February) Vol. 73 (1) 77-92
KIECOLT, K. JILL. et al. Long-term influences of intergenerational ambivalence on midlife parents’ psychological well-being. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (April) Vol. 73 (2) 369-382
KILLEWALD, ALEXANDRA. Opting out and buying out: Wives’ earnings and housework time. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (April) Vol. 73 (2) 459-471
KILLOREN, SARAH E. et al. Mothers, fathers, peers, and Mexican-origin adolescents’ sexual intentions. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (February) Vol. 73 (1) 209-220
LAUER, SEAN R & YODANIS, CARRIE. Individualized marriage and the integration of resources. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (June) Vol. 73 (3) 669-683
LEOPOLD, THOMAS & RAAB, MARCEL. Short-term reciprocity in late parent-child relationships. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (February) Vol. 73 (1) 105-119
MANDARA, JELANI. et al. The effects of family structure on African American adolescents’ Marijuana us. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (June) Vol. 73 (3) 557-569
MAZELIS, JOAN MAYA & MYKYTA, LARYSSA. Relationship status and activated kin support: The role of need and norms. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (April)Vol. 73 (2) 430-445
MAZZUCATO, VALENTINA & SCHANS, DJAMILA. Transnational families and the well-being of children: Conceptual and methodological challenges. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (August) Vol. 73 (4) 704-712
MILKIE, MELISSA A. Social and cultural resources for and constraints on marriages. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (February) Vol. 73 (1) 18-22
MUSTILLO, SARAH A. et al. Parental depression and child outcomes: The mediating effects of abuse and neglect. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (February) Vol. 73 (1) 164-180
NOBLES, JENNA. Parenting from abroad: Migration, nonresident father involvement, and children’s education in Mexico. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (August) Vol. 73 (4) 729-746
NOMAGUCHI, KEI M & BROWN, SUSAN L. Parental strains and rewards among mothers: The role of education. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (June)Vol. 73 (3) 621-636
PAIK, ANTHONY. Adolescent sexuality and the risk of marital dissolution. Journal of Marriage and Family2011 (April)Vol. 73 (2)472-485
PERRY-JENKINS, MAUREEN & CLAXTON, AMY. The transition to parenthood and the reasons “Momma ain’t happy. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (February)Vol. 73 (1)23-28
RENDALL, MICHAEL S. Breakup of new Orleans households after hurricane Katrina. Journal of Marriage and Family2011 (June)Vol. 73 (3)654-668
ROSTILA, MIKAEL & SAARELA, JAN M. Time does not heal all wounds: Mortality following the death of a parent. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (February) Vol. 73 (1) 236-249
RUGGLES, STEVEN. Inter­generational coresidence and family transitions in the United States, 1850-1880. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (February)Vol. 73 (1)136-148
SCHMEER, KAMMI K. The child health disadvantage of parental cohabitation. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (February) Vol 73 (1),
SCHNEIDER, DANIEL. Market earnings and household work: New tests of gender performance theory. Journal of Marriage and Family 2011 (August) Vol. 73 (4) 845-860
CHLOTZ, WOLFF. et al. The Perceived Stress Reactivity Scale: Measurement invariance, stability, and validity in three countries. Psychological Assessment 2011 (March) Vol. 23 (1) 80-94
DiSTEFANO, CHRISTINE & MORGAN, GRANT. Examining classification criteria: A comparison of three cut score methods. Psychological Assessment 2011 (June) Vol. 23 (2) 354-363
DOWDY, ERIN. et al. Factor structure of the BASC-2 behavioral and emotional screening system student form. Psychological Assessment 2011 (June) Vol. 23 (2) 379-387
EBESUTANI, CHAD. et al.A psychometric analysis of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule for children-parent version in a school sample. Psychological Assessment 2011(June) Vol. 23(2)406-416.
ENGDAHL, RYAN M. et al. Comparing posttraumatic stress disorder’s symptom structure between deployed and nondeployed veterans. Psychological Assessment 2011 (March) Vol. 23 (1) 1-6
FROH, JEFFREY J. et al. Measuring gratitude in youth: Assessing the psychometric properties of Adult Gratitude Scales in Children and Adolescents. Psychological Assessment 2011 (June) Vol. 23 (2) 311-324
GAGNE, JEFFREY R. et al. Deriving childhood temperament measures from emotion-eliciting behavioral episodes: Scale construction and initial validation. Psychological Assessment 2011 (June) Vol. 23 (2) 337-353
GARCIA-BARRERA, MAURICIO A. et al. Theoretical and statistical derivation of a screener for the behavioral assessment for executive functions in children. Psychological Assessment 2011 (March) Vol. 23 (1) 64-79
GIBBONS, PETER. et al. How useful are indices of personality pathology when assessing domestic violence perpetrators? Psychological Assessment 2011 (March) Vol. 23 (1) 164-173
GOLAY, PHILIPPE & LECERF, THIERRY. Orthogonal higher order structure and confirmatory factor analysis of the French Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-III). Psychological Assessment 2011 (March) Vol. 23 (1) 143-152
GREEN, DEBBIE & ROSENFELD, BARRY. Evaluating the gold standard: A review and meta-analysis of the structured interview of reported symptoms. Psychological Assessment 2011 (March) Vol. 23 (1) 95-107
HASTINGS, MARK E. et al. Predictive and incremental validity of the violence risk appraisal guide scores with male and female jail inmates. Psychological Assessment 2011 (March) Vol. 23 (1) 174-183
HEINONEN, JOHANNA. et al. Test-taking behaviors in a neurocognitive assessment: Associations with school-age outcomes in a Finnish longitudinal follow-up. Psychological Assessment 2011 (March) Vol. 23 (1) 184-192
HEWITT, PAUL L. et al. Perfectionistic self-presentation in children and adolescents: Development and validation of the Perfectionistic Self-Presentation Scale-Junior Form. Psychological Assessment 2011 (March) Vol. 23 (1) 125-142
HUNT, MELISSA G. et al. Effects of diurnal variation and caffeine consumption on Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA) performance in healthy young adults. Psychological Assessment 2011 (March) Vol. 23 (1) 226-233
LAIRD, ROBERT D & WEEMS, CARL F. The equivalence of regression models using difference scores and models using separate scores for each informant: Psychological Assessment 2011 (June) Vol. 23 (2) 388-397
LAWRENCE, ERIKA. et al. The relationship quality interview: Evidence of reliability, convergent and divergent validity, and incremental utility. Psychological Assessment 2011 (March) Vol.23(1) 44-63
LEUE, ANJA & BEAUDUCEL, ANDRE. The PANAS structure revisited: On the validity of a bifactor model in community and forensic samples. Psychological Assessment 2011 (March) Vol. 23 (1) 215-225
LISCHETZKE, TANJA. et al. Validating an indirect measure of clarity of feelings: Evidence from laboratory and naturalistic settings. Psychological Assessment 2011 (June) Vol. 23 (2) 447-455
LYNAM, DONALD R. et al. Assessing the basic traits associated with psychopathy: Development and validationof the elemental psychopathy assessment. Psychological Assessment 2011 (March) Vol. 23 (1) 108-124
MARCUS, DAVID K. et al. Is risky sexual behavior continuous or categorical? A taxometric analysis of the sexual risk survey. Psychological Assessment 2011 (March) Vol. 23 (1) 282-286
McGOWAN, MARK R. et al. The predictive validity of the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth in secondary educational settings. Psychological Assessment 2011 (June) Vol. 23 (2) 478-486
MEIJER, ROB R. et al. An evaluation of the Brief Symptom Inventory-18 using item response theory: which items are most strongly related to psychological distress? Psychological Assessment 2011 (March) Vol. 23 (1) 193-202
MILLER, MATHEW J. et al. Validating the Riverside Acculturation Stress Inventory with Asian Americans. Psychological Assessment 2011 (June) Vol. 23 (2) 300-310
MOREY, LESLIE C. et al. Personality Assessment Inventory Profiles of deployed combat troops: An empirical investigation of normative performance. Psychological Assessment 2011 (June) Vol. 23 (2) 456-462
O’MEARA, AISLING. The psychometric properties and utility of the Short Sadistic Impulse Scale (SSIS). Psychological Assessment 2011 (June) Vol. 23 (2) 523-531
ORTIZ, MARIA TERESA, ANARTE. et al. Development of a new Fear of Hypoglycemia Scale: FH-15. Psychological Assessment 2011 (June) Vol. 23 (2) 398-405
PACHANA, NANCY A. et al. Reporting of life events over time: Methodological issues in a longitudinal sample of women. Psychological Assessment 2011 (March) Vol. 23 (1) 277-281
PRITCHARD, VERENA E & WOODWARD, LIANNE J. Preschool executive control on the shape school task: Measurement considerations and utility. Psychological Assessment 2011 (March) Vol. 23 (1) 31-43
REISE, STEVEN P. et al. Bifactor and item response theory analyses of interviewer report scales of cognitive impairment in schizophrenia. Psychological Assessment 2011 (March) Vol. 23 (1) 245-261
ROSENFELD, BARRY. et al. Assessing hopelessness in terminally ill cancer patients: Development of the Hopelessness Assessment in Illness Questionnaire. Psychological Assessment 2011 (June) Vol. 23 (2) 325-336
RUSCIO, JOHN & WALTERS, GLENN D. Differentiating categorical and dimensional data with taxometric analysis: Are two variables better than none? Psychological Assessment 2011 (June) Vol. 23 (2) 287-299
SCHALET, BENJAMIN D. et al. Multidimensional structure of the Hypomanic Personality Scale. Psychological Assessment 2011 (June) Vol. 23 (2) 504-522
SCHONBRODT, FELIX D & ASENDORPF, JENS B. Virtual social environments as a tool for psychological assessment: Dynamics of interaction with a virtual spouse. Psychological Assessment 2011 (March) Vol. 23 (1) 7-17
SKILLING, TRACEY A. et al. Exploring differences in youth and parent reports of antisociality among adolescent sexual and nonsexual offenders. Developmental Psychology 2011 (March) Vol. 23 (1) 153-163
SLEDDENS, ESTER F. C. et al. Validating the Children’s Behavior Questionnaire in Dutch Children: Psychometric properties and a cross-cultural comparison of factor structures. Psychological Assessment 2011 (June) Vol. 23 (2) 417-426
STURMAN, EDWARD D. Involuntary subordination and its relation to personality, mood, and submissive behavior. Psychological Assessment 2011 (March) Vol. 23 (1) 262-276
TUCKER, CAROLYN M. et al. Development of the Motivators of and Barriers to Health-Smart Behaviors Inventory. Psychological Assessment 2011 (June) Vol. 23 (2) 487-503
VERONA, EDELYN. et al. Comparing factor structures of adolescent psychopathology. Psychological Assessment 2011 (June) Vol. 23 (2) 545-551
WALTERS, GLENN. et al. Predicting recidivism with the psychopathy checklist: Are factor score composites really necessary? Psychological Assessment 2011 (June) Vol. 23 (2) 552-557
WANLESS, SHANNON B. et al. Measuring behavioral regulation in four societies. Psychological Assessment 2011 (June) Vol. 23 (2) 364-378
HINES, DENISE A & DOUGLAS, EMILY M. Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder in men who sustain intimate partner violence: A study of help seeking and community samples. Psychology of Men & Masculinity 2011(April)Vol.12(2)112-127
KWANTES, CATHERINE T. et al. The effect of attire on expected occupational outcomes for male employees. Psychology of Men & Masculinity2011 (April) Vol. 12 (2) 166-180
NORWALK, KATE E. et al. Factor structure of the Gender Role Conflict Scale in African American and European American men. Psychology of Men & Masculinity 2011(April)Vol.12(2)128-143
PEAT, CHRISTINE M. et al. Age and body image in Caucasian men. Psychology of Men & Masculinity 2011 (April) Vol. 12 (2) 195-200
RANDLE, ANNA A & GRAHAM, CYNTHIA. A review of the evidence on the effects of intimate partner violence on men. Psychology of Men & Masculinity 2011 (April) Vol. 12 (2) 97-111
RAY, LARA A. et al. Diagnostic and clinical profiles of treatment-seeking men with and without substance use disorders. Psychology of Men & Masculinity 2011 (April) Vol. 12 (2) 158-165
SCHEINFELD, DAVID E. et al. Adventure therapy: A supplementary group therapy approach for men. Psychology of Men & Masculinity 2011 (April) Vol. 12 (2) 188-194
SHEPARD, SAMUEL J. et al. Masculine norms, school attitudes, and psychosocial adjustment among gifted boys. Psychology of Men & Masculinity 2011 (April) Vol. 12 (2) 181-187
WOLFF, JOSHUA R. et al. Understanding why fathers assume primary medical caretaker responsibilities of children with life-threatening illnesses. Psychology of Men & Masculinity 2011 (April) Vol. 12 (2) 144-157
BANYARD, VICTORIA. et al. The impact of interpersonal violence in adulthood on women’s job satisfaction and productivity: The mediating roles of mental and physical health. Psychology of violence 2011 (January) Vol. 1 (1) 16-28
CHAN, KO LING. et al. Child maltreatment polyvictimization: Rates and short-term effects on adjustment in a representative Hong Kong sample. Psychology of violence 2011 (January) Vol. 1 (1) 4-15
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GRAHAM-BERMANN, SANDRA. et al. Additional adverse events among women exposed to intimate partner violence: Frequency and impact. Psychology of violence2011 (April) Vol. 1 (2) 136-149
LUCIA, SONIA & KILLIAS, MARTIN. Is animal cruelty a marker of interpersonal violence and delinquency? Results of a Swiss national self-report study. Psychology of violence 2011 (April) Vol. 1 (2) 93-105
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ABBEY, ANTONIA. Alcohol and dating risk factors for sexual assault: Double standards are still alive and well entrenched. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2011 (June) Vol. 35 (2) 362-368
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BECKER, JULIA C & SWIM, JANET K. Seeing the unseen: Attention to daily encounters with sexism as way to reduce sexist beliefs. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2011 (June) Vol. 35 (2) 227-242
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CHRISLER, JOAN C. Leaks, lumps, and lines: Stigma and women’s bodies. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2011 (June) Vol. 35 (2) 202-214
GAVEY, NICOLA. Feminist poststructuralism and discourse analysis revisited. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2011 (March) Vol. 35 (1) 183-188
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GIBSON, PAMELA. The diversity watch: Finding your inner isms. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2011 (March) Vol. 35 (1) 158-161
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JOHNSTONE, MELISSA. et al. Influences of marriage, motherhood, and other life events on Australian women’s employment aspirations. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2011 (June) Vol. 35 (2) 267-281
KAISER, CHERYL R & HAGIWARA, NAO. Gender identification moderates social identity threat effects on working memory. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2011 (June) Vol. 35 (2) 243-251
KHURANA, ATIKA. et al. Juvenile delinquency and teenage pregnancy: A comparison of ecological risk profiles among Midwestern white and black female juvenile offenders. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2011 (June) Vol. 35 (2) 282-292
KOSS, MARY P. Hidden, unacknowledged, acquaintance, and date rape: Looking back, looking forward. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2011 (June) Vol. 35 (2) 348-354
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LEAPER, CAMPBELL & ROBNETT, RACHAEL D. Women are more likely than men to use tentative language, aren’t they? A meta-analysis testing for gender differences and moderators. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2011 (March) Vol.35(1)129-142
LEWIS, KELLY M. et al.Investigating motivations for women’s skin bleaching in Tanzania. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2011 (March) Vol. 35 (1) 29-37
MILLER, AUDREY K. et al. Stigma-threat motivated nondisclosure of sexual assault and sexual revictimization: A prospective analysis. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2011 (March) Vol.35(1)119-128
NORRIS, JEANETTE. “Fresh” thoughts on studying sexual assault. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2011 (June) Vol. 35 (2) 369-374
PUENTE, CECILIA PENACOBA. et al. Effects of personality on psychiatric and somatic symptoms in pregnant women: The role of pregnancy worries. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2011 (June) Vol. 35 (2) 293-302
REID, PAMELA TROTMAN. Revisiting “poor women: Shut up and shut out”. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2011 (March) Vol. 35 (1) 189-192
RUTHERFORD, ALEXANDRA & YODER, JANICE D. Thirty-five years and counting: Feminist psychology in PWQ, a job for the long haul. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2011 (March) Vol. 35 (1) 171-174
RUTHERFORD, ALEXANDRA. From the ground up: Feminist approaches, methods, and critiques. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2011 (March) Vol. 35 (1) 175-179
RUTHERFROD, ALEXANDRA. Sexual violence against women: Putting rape research in context. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2011 (June) Vol. 35 (2) 342-347
SALK, RACHEL H & ENGELN-MADDOX, RENEE. “If you ‘re fat, then I’m humongous!”: Frequency, content, and impact of fat talk among college women. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2011 (March) Vol. 35 (1) 18-28
SENN, CHARLENE Y. et al. Emancipatory sexuality education and sexual assault resistance: Does the former enhance the latter? Psychology of Women Quarterly 2011 (March) Vol. 35 (1) 72-91
SIBLEY, CHRIS G & OVERALL, NICKOLA C. A dual process motivational model of ambivalent sexism and gender differences in romantic partner preferences. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2011 (June) Vol. 35 (2) 303-317
SMIRLES, KIMBERLY ERETZIAM. Service learning in a psychology of women course: Transforming students and the community. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2011 (June) Vol. 35 (2) 331-334
TWENGE, JEAN M. The duality of individualism: Attitudes toward women, generation me, and the method of cross-temporal meta-analysis. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2011 (March) Vol. 35 (1) 193-196
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WALSH, JENNIFER L. et al. Awkward or amazing: Gender and age trends in first intercourse experiences. Psychology of Women Quarterly 2011 (March) Vol. 35 (1) 59-71
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BANKS, GEORGE C & McDANIEL, MICHAEL A.The kryptonite of evidence-based I-O psychology.Industrial and Organizational Psychology2011 (March)Vol. 4 (1)40-44
BARTLETT, DEAN.The neglect of the political: An alternative evidence-based practice for I-O psychology.Industrial and Organizational Psychology2011 (March)Vol. 4 (1)27-31
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SACKETT, PAUL R. The uniform guidelines is not a scientific document; Implications for expert testimony. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2011 (December), Vol. 4 (4),545-546.
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SLEVEC, JULIE & TIGGEMANN, MARIKA. Media exposure, body dissatisfaction, and disordered eating in middle-aged women: A test of the sociocultural model of disordered eating. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 2011 (December), Vol. 35 (4),617-627.
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LICKEL, BRIAN. et al.Varieties of groups and the perception of group entitativity.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2000(February),Vol. 78(2),223-246.
LUCAS, RICHARD E. & FUIJTA, FRANK.Factors influencing the relation between extraversion and pleasant affect.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2000(December),Vol. 79(6),1039-1056.
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MCFARLAND, CATHY & ALVARO, CELESTE.The impact of motivation on temporal comparisons: Coping with traumatic events by perceiving personal growth.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2000(September),Vol. 79(3),327-343.
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MIKULINCER, MARIO & FLORIAN, VICTOR.Exploring individual differences in reactions to mortality salience: Does attachment style regulate terror management mechanisms?Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2000(August),Vol. 79(2),260-273.
MIKULINCER, MARIO. et al.Stress and accessibility of proximity-related thoughts: Exploring the normative and intraindividual components of attachment theory.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2000(March),Vol. 78(3),509-523.
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TROPE, YAACOV & FISHBACH, AYELET.Counteractive self-control in overcoming temptation.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2000(October),Vol. 79(4),493-506.
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TROPE, YAACOV & LIBERMAN, NIRA.Temporal construal and time-dependent changes in preference.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,2000(December),Vol. 79(6),876-889.
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WILSON, ANNE E. & ROSS, MICHAEL.The frequency of temporal-self and social comparisons in peopleJournal of Personality and Social Psychology,2000(May),Vol. 78(5),928-942.
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KAUR, AMARJIT. et al.Coping styles and self-esteem in sports and non-sports men and women.Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research,2000 (Summer),Vol. 15(1-2),13-19.
NAHEED, SAMINA. et al.Attitude of Pakistani school teachers towards their profession and their psychological well-being.Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research,2000(Sum.),Vol.15(1-2),39-55.
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AFTAB, TAHERA.Extracts from archives: WomenPakistan Journal of Women2000(July-December),Vol. 7(2),57-60.
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KHALED, MOHAMED.A gender perspective for rethinking ideas of development in post war conditions: Case study in West Equtaria, Southern Sudan.Pakistan Journal of Women2000(July-December),Vol. 7(2),37-48.
QADIR, SAMINA AMIN.Narrative of gender dynamics in academic bureaucracy in interview situations.Pakistan Journal of Women2000(July-December),Vol. 7(2),17-28.
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VANZAN, ANNA.Medical education of Muslim women in turn-of the-century India: The 9th chapter of the British Zewar.Pakistan Journal of Women2000(January-June),Vol. 7(1),55-64.
GOEL, PARVEEN & TUNG, NAVDEEP SINGH.Cognitive and personality correlates of novelty and meaning types of creativity.Personality Study and Group Behavior,2000,Vol. 20,39-50.
JULIUS, SHEELA.A study of the relationship between job satisfaction and organization climate among telephone operators.Personality Study and Group Behavior,2000,Vol. 20,127-131.
KATYAL, SUDHA & NEELAM.Role of perceived parental disciplinary practices in nurturing the personality of children.Personality Study and Group Behavior,2000,Vol. 20,97-102.
KAUR, RAJINDER & SINGH, KULWINDER.Psychological correlates of organizational commitment.Personality Study and Group Behavior,2000,Vol. 20,103-116.
KRUGER, ARNOLD.Small group development: A case study.Personality Study and Group Behavior,2000,Vol. 20,11-22.
MALHI, PRABHJOT.Psychosocial impact of chronic illness on the child.Personality Study and Group Behavior,2000,Vol. 20,23-38.
MINHAS, L. S. et al.A factor analytic study of indices of physiognomic perception, aesthetic perception and those of cognition and personality.Personality Study and Group Behavior,2000,Vol. 20,83-90.
SINGH, SATVIR & KAUR, RAJINDER.Personality, motives and promotional success among managers.Personality Study and Group Behavior,2000,Vol. 20,117-126.
SINGH, SATVIR & SINGH, DAVINDER.Personality, motives, coping style and hostility in adolescent boys.Personality Study and Group Behavior,2000,Vol. 20,1-10.
SWANI, PRARTHNA. et al.A study of locus of control among alcoholics and non-alcoholics.Personality Study and Group Behavior,2000,Vol. 20,51-58.
TUNG, SUNINDER & KOUNDAL, SANGEETA.Personality correlates of Type-A Behavior pattern.Personality Study and Group Behavior,2000,Vol. 20,91-96.
VERMA, PREM & TARANA, SANGEETA.A study of academic achievePersonality Study and Group Behavior,2000,Vol. 20,58-82.
ADAMS, KENNETH M.Practical and ethical issues pertaining to test revisions.Psychological Assessment,2000(September),Vol. 12(3),281-286.
AXELROD, BRADLEY N. & WOODARD, JOHN L.Parsimonious prediction of Wechsler Memory Scale-III Memory indices.Psychological Assessment,2000(December),Vol. 12(4),431-435.
BEEBE, DEAN W. et al.Evaluation of the validity of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for ChildrenPsychological Assessment,2000(March),Vol. 12(1),97-101.
BRYANT, RICHARD A. et al.Acute stress disorder scale: A self-report measure of acute stress disorder.Psychological Assessment,2000(March),Vol. 12(1),61-68.
BURNS, G. LEONARD.Problem of item overlap between the psychopathy screening device and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and conduct disorder rating scales.Psychological Assessment,2000 (December),Vol. 12(4),447-450.
BUTCHER, JAMES N. et al.Validity and utility of computer-based test interpretation.Psychological Assessment,2000(March),Vol. 12(1),6-18.
BUTCHER, JAMES N.Revising psychological tests: Lessons learned from the revision for the MMPI.Psychological Assessment,2000(September),Vol. 12(3),263-271.
CARUSO, JOHN C. & CLIFF, NORMAN.Increasing the reliability of Wechsler Intelligence Scale for ChildrenPsychological Assessment,2000(March),Vol. 12(1),89-96.
COLE, DAVID A. et al.Structural differences in parent and child reports of childrenPsychological Assessment,2000(June),Vol. 12(2),174-185.
DAUBERT, SCOTT D. & METZLER, APRIL E.The detection of fake-bad and fake-good responding on the million Clinical Multiaxial Inventory III.Psychological Assessment,2000(December),Vol. 12(4),418-424.
EDENS, JOHN F. et al.Use of the personality assessment inventory to assess psychopathy in offender populations.Psychological Assessment,2000(June),Vol. 12(2),132-139.
FARRELL, ALBERT D. & SULLIVAN, TERRI N.Structure of the Weinberger adjustment inventory self-restraint scale and its relation to problem behaviors in adolescence.Psychological Assessment,2000(December),Vol. 12(4),394-401.
FRICK, PAUL J. et al.Psychopathic traits and conduct problems in community and clinic-referred samples of children: Further development of the psychopathy screening device.Psychological Assessment,2000(December),Vol. 12(4),382-393.
FRICK, PAUL J.The problem of internal validation without a theoretical context: The different conceptual underpinnings of psychopathy and the disruptive behavior disorder criteria.Psychological Assessment,2000 (December),Vol. 12(4),451-456.
GARB, HOWARD N.Computers will become increasingly important for psychological assessment: Not that therePsychological Assessment,2000(March),Vol. 12(1),31-39.
GARB, HOWARD N.Introduction to the special section on the use of computers for making judgments and decisions.Psychological Assessment,2000(March),Vol. 12(1),3-5.
GROVE, WILLIAM M. et al.Clinical versus mechanical prediction: A meta-analysis.Psychological Assessment,2000(March),Vol. 12(1),19-30.
HEMPHILL, JAMES F. & HOWELL, ANDREW J.Adolescent offenders and stages of change.Psychological Assessment,2000(December),Vol. 12(4),371-381.
HISHINUMA, EARL S. et al.Psychometric properties of the Hawaiian Culture ScalePsychological Assessment,2000(June),Vol. 12(2),140-157.
KNOWLES, ERIC S. et al.Does the rose still smell as sweet? Item variability across test forms and revisions.Psychological Assessment,2000(September),Vol. 12(3),245-252.
KUBANY, EDWARD S. et al.Development and preliminary validation of a brief-spectrum measure of trauma exposure: The traumatic life events questionnaire.Psychological Assessment,2000(June),Vol. 12(2),210-224.
KUBANY, EDWARD S. et al.Validation of a brief measure of posttraumatic stress disorder: The Distressing Event Questionnaire (DEQ).Psychological Assessment,2000(June),Vol. 12(2),197-209.
MAISTO, STEPHEN A. et al.An empirical investigation of the factor structure of the AUDIT.Psychological Assessment,2000(September),Vol. 12(3),346-353.
MAISTO, STEPHEN A. et al.Use of the AUDIT and the DAST-10 to identify alcohol and drug use disorders among adults with a severe and persistent mental illness.Psychological Assessment,2000(June),Vol. 12(2),186-192.
MOHLMAN, JAN & ZINBARG, RICHARD E.The structure and correlates of anxiety sensitivity in older adults.Psychological Assessment,2000 (December),Vol. 12(4),440-446.
NAGLIERI, JACK A. & RONNING, MARGARET E.Comparison of white, African American, Hispanic, and Asian children on the Naglieri nonverbal ability test.Psychological Assessment,2000(September),Vol. 12(3),328-334.
NEGY, CHARLES & SNYDER, DOUGLAS K.Reliability and equivalence of the Spanish translation of the Marital Satisfaction InventoryPsychological Assessment,2000 (December),Vol. 12(4),425-430.
NELSON, LINDA D.Introduction to the special section on methods and implications of revising assessment instruments.Psychological Assessment,2000(September),Vol. 12(3),235-236.
OKAZAKI, SUNIE & SUE, STANLEY.Implications of test revisions for assessment with Asian Americans.Psychological Assessment,2000 (September),Vol. 12(3),272-280.
ORLANDO, MARIA. et al.Summed-score linking using item response theory: Application to depression measurement.Psychological Assessment,2000(September),Vol. 12(3),354-359.
PFEFFER, CYNTHIA R. et al.Child-adolescent suicidal potential index (CASPI): A screen for risk for early onset suicidal behavior.Psychological Assessment,2000(September),Vol. 12(3),304-318.
POULIN, FRANCOIS & BOIVIN, MICHEL.Reactive and proactive aggression: Evidence of a two-factor model.Psychological Assessment,2000(June),Vol. 12(2),115-122.
PRICE, RUMI KATO. et al.Applying artificial neural network models to clinical decision making.Psychological Assessment,2000(March),Vol. 12(1),40-51.
REISE, STEVEN P. et al.Factor analysis and scale revision.Psychological Assessment,2000(September),Vol. 12(3),287-297.
RODRIGUE, JAMES R. et al.The psychological adjustment to illness scalePsychological Assessment,2000(December),Vol. 12(4),409-413.
ROTHKE, STEVEN E. et al.Normative data for the F(p) Scale of the MMPI-2: Implications for clinical and forensic assessment of malingering.Psychological Assessment,2000(September),Vol. 12(3),335-340.
RYAN, JOSEPH J. et al.Supplementary WMS-III Tables for determining primary subtest strengths and weaknesses.Psychological Assessment,2000(June),Vol. 12(2),193-196.
SAKLOFSKE, DONALD H. et al.Replication of the factor structure of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence ScalePsychological Assessment,2000 (December),Vol. 12(4),436-439.
SETO, MICHAEL C. et al.The discriminative validity of a phallometric test for pedophilic interests among adolescent sex offenders against children.Psychological Assessment,2000 (September),Vol. 12(3),319-327.
SHEVLIN, MARK. et al.A confirmatory factor analysis of the impact of event scale using a sample of World War II and Korean War Veterans.Psychological Assessment,2000 (December),Vol. 12(4),414-417.
SILVERSTEIN, MARSHALL L. & NELSON, LINDA D.Clinical and research implications of revising psychological tests.Psychological Assessment,2000(Sep.),Vol. 12(3),298-303.
SMITH, GREGORY T. et al.On the sins of short-form development.Psychological Assessment,2000(March),Vol. 12(1),102-111.
SNYDER, DOUGLAS K.Computer -assisted judgment: Defining strengths and liabilities.Psychological Assessment,2000(March),Vol. 12(1),52-60.
STEPHENSON, MARGARET.Development and validation of the Stephenson Multigroup Acculturation Scale (SMAS).Psychological Assessment,2000(March),Vol. 12(1),77-88.
STICE, ERIC. et al.Development and validation of the Eating Disorder Diagnostic Scale: A brief self-report measure of anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating disorder.Psychological Assessment,2000(June),Vol. 12(2),123-131.
STORM, JOANNE & GRAHAM, JOHN R.Detection of coached general malingering on the MMPI-2.Psychological Assessment,2000(June),Vol. 12(2),158-165.
STRAUSS, ESTHER. et al.Implications of test revisions for research.Psychological Assessment,2000(September),Vol. 12(3),237-244.
STRONG, DAVID R. et al.A taxometric analysis of MMPI-2 infrequency scales [F and F(p)] in clinical settings.Psychological Assessment,2000(June),Vol. 12(2),166-173.
TULSKY, DAVID S. & LEDBETTER, MARK F.Updating to the WAIS-III and WMS-III: Considerations for research and clinical practice.Psychological Assessment,2000(September),Vol. 12(3),253-262.
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WATKINS, MARLEY W. & GLUTTING, JOSEPH J.Incremental validity of WISC-III profile elevation, scatter, and shape information for predicting reading and math achievement.Psychological Assessment,2000(December),Vol. 12(4),402-408.
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KRISHNAN, LILA.Justice perception and allocation rule preferences: Does social disadvantage matter? Psychology and Developing Societies,2001(July-December),13(2),193-219.
KUMAR, NEELAM.Indigenous social psychology of science for a developing society: An empirical justifiPsychology and Developing Societies,2001(July-December),13(2),153-171.
MANDAL, MANAS K. & DUTTA, TANUSREE.Left handedness: Facts and figures across cultures. Psychology and Developing Societies,2001(July-December),13(2),173-191.
RIEBER, ROBERT W.The problem of psychosocial distress and the crisis in psychology. Psychology and Developing Societies,2001(Jan.-June),13(1),105-121.
SIDDIQUI, ROOMANA N. & PANDEY, JANAK.Perception of economic and environmental stressors by urban slum dwellers. Psychology and Developing Societies,2001(January-June),13(1),93-103.
SRIVASTAVA, ASHOK K. & MISRA, GIRISHWAR.Lay peoplePsychology and Developing Societies,2001(January-June),13(1),25-49.
SUD, ANUP.Test anxiety research in India: Twentieth century in retrospect. Psychology and Developing Societies,2001(January-June),13(1),51-69.
TRIPATHI, L. B.Culture as a psychological construct. Psychology and Developing Societies,2001(July-December),13(2),129-151.
VERMA, JYOTI.Situational preference for different types of individualismPsychology and Developing Societies,2001(July-December),13(2),221-241.
AKHTAR, SALMAN.A note on the ontogenetic origins of prejudice.SAMIKSA: Journal of the Indian Psychoanalytical Society,2001,Vol. 55,7-13.
CHARLES, MARILYN.Assimilating difference: Traumatic effects of prejudice.SAMIKSA: Journal of the Indian Psychoanalytical Society,2001,Vol. 55,15-27.
FORBES, SAROSH.The process of symbol formation in learning from experience.SAMIKSA: Journal of the Indian Psychoanalytical Society,2001,Vol. 55,29-39.
HAMORI, ESZTER.Reviving the dead motherSAMIKSA: Journal of the Indian Psychoanalytical Society,2001,Vol. 55,41-47.
LEVIN, FRED M.The myth of Myamoto Musashi: A psychoanalytic view.SAMIKSA: Journal of the Indian Psychoanalytical Society,2001,Vol. 55,49-57.
NEUBURGER, ROBERTO P.The pharmaconSAMIKSA: Journal of the Indian Psycho2001,Vol. 55,59-63.
MAHON, EUGENE.Parapraxes in Hamlet.SAMIKSA: Journal of the Indian Psychoanalytical Society,2001,Vol.55,1-6.
ALMAGOR, MOSHE & KOREN, DANNY.The adequacy of the MMPI-2 Harris-Lingoes Subscales: A cross-cultural factor analytic study of scales D, Hy, Pd, Pa, Sc, and Ma. Psychological Assessment,2001(June),Vol. 13(2),199-215.
BALLENGER, JAMES F. et al.Effects of positive impression management on the NEO personality inventoryPsychological Assessment,2001(June),Vol. 13(2),254-260.
BLANCHARD, RAY. et al.Sensitivity and specificity of the phalloPsychological Assessment,2001(March),Vol. 13(1),118-126.
BOOK, ANGELA S. et al.Criterion validity of the Holden Psychological Screening Inventory social symptomatology scale in a prison sample. Psychological Assessment,2001(June),Vol. 13(2),249-253.
CARUSO, JOHN C. et al.The frequency of reliable component difference scores for the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for ChildrenPsychological Assessment,2001(December),Vol. 13(4),543-548.
CARUSO, JOHN C.Reliable component analysis of the Stanford-Binet: Fourth edition for 2- to 6- year-olds. Psychological Assessment,2001(June),Vol. 13(2),261-266.
CASEY, MATTHEW M. & TRYON, WARREN W.Validating a double-press method for computer administration of personality inventory items. Psychological Assessment,2001(December),Vol. 13(4),521-530.
COLOTLA, VICTOR A. et al.Test-retest stability of injured workersPsychological Assessment,2001(December),Vol. 13(4),572-576.
COOKE, DAVID J. et al.Psychopathy and ethnicity: Structural, item, and test generalizability of the psychopathy checklistPsychological Assessment,2001(December),Vol. 13(4),531-542.
COOKE, DAVID J. & MICHIE, CHRISTINE.Refining the construct of psychopathy: Towards a hierarchical model. Psychological Assessment,2001(June),Vol. 13(2),171-188.
COYNE, JAMES C. et al.Validity and efficiency of screening for history of depression by self-report. Psychological Assessment,2001(June),Vol. 13(2),163-170.
DAWES, ROBYN M.Incremental validity of the ego impairment index: ItPsychological Assessment,2001(September),Vol. 13(3),408-409.
DEMAKIS, GEORGE J. et al.Discrepancy between predicted and obtained WAIS-R IQ scores discriminates between traumatic brain injury and insufficient effort. Psychological Assessment,2001(June),Vol. 13(2),240-248.
DONDERS, JACOBUS.Clinical utility of the category test as a multidimensional instrument. Psychological Assessment,2001 (December),Vol. 13(4),592-594.
FINLAY, W. M. L. & LYONS, E.Methodological issues in interviewing and using self-report questionnaires with people with mental retardation. Psychological Assessment,2001(September),Vol. 13(3),319-335.
GARB, HOWARD N. et al.Toward a resolution of the Rorschach controversy. Psychological Assessment,2001 (December),Vol. 13(4),433-448.
GELLER, JOSIE. et al.Assessing readiness for change in the eating disorders: The psychometric properties of the readiness and motivation interview. Psychological Assessment,2001(June),Vol. 13(2),189-198.
GROVE, WILLIAM M.Bias and error rates for premorbid IQ estimators: Comment on Veiel and Koopman (2001). Psychological Assessment,2001 (September),Vol. 13(3),396-398.
HAYNES, STEPHEN N.Clinical applications of analogue behavioral observation: Dimensions of psychometric evaluation. Psychological Assessment,2001(March),Vol. 13(1),73-85.
HAYNES, STEPHEN N.Introduction to the special section on clinical applications of analogue behavioral observation. Psychological Assessment,2001(March),Vol. 13(1),3-4.
HEYMAN, RICHARD E.Observation of couple conflicts: Clinical assessment applications, stubborn truths, and shaky foundations. Psychological Assessment,2001(March),Vol.13(1),5-35.
HUNSLEY, JOHN & BAILEY, MICHAEL.Whither the Rorschach? An analysis of the evidence. Psychological Assessment,2001(December),Vol. 13(4),472-485.
KASCH, KAREN L. et al.A construct validation study of the response styles questionnaire rumination scale in participants with a recent-onset major depression episode. Psychological Assessment,2001(September),Vol. 13(3),375-383.
KRUEGER, ROBERT F. & FINGER, MICHAEL S.Using item response theory to understand comorbidity among anxiety and unipolar mood disorders. Psychological Assessment,2001(March),Vol. 13(1),140-151.
LACHAR, DAVID. et al.New subscales for an anchored version of the brief psychiatric rating scale: Construction, reliability, and validity in acute psychiatric admissions. Psychological Assessment,2001(September),Vol. 13(3),384-395.
LENZENWEGER, MARK F. et al.The inventory of personality organization: Psychometric properties, factorial composition, and criterion relations with affect, aggressive dyscontrol, psychosis proneness, and self-domains in a nonPsychological Assessment,2001(December),Vol. 13(4),577-591.
LOO, CHALSA M. et al.Measuring exposure to racism: Development and validation of a race-related stressor scale (RRSS) for Asian American Vietnam veterans. Psychological Assessment,2001(December),Vol. 13(4),503-520.
MANNE, SHARON & SCHNOLL, ROBERT.Measuring cancer patientsPsychological Assessment,2001(March),Vol. 13(1),99-109.
MARSHALL, GRANT N. et al.Confirmatory factor analysis of the consumer assessment of health plans study (CAHPS) 1.0 core survey. Psychological Assessment,2001(June),Vol. 13(2),216-229.
MASH, ERIC J. & FOSTER, SHARON L.Exporting analogue behavioral observation from research to clinical practice: Useful or cost-defective? Psychological Assessment,2001(March),Vol. 13(1),86-98.
MEYER, GREGORY J. & ARCHER, ROBERT P.The hard science of Rorschach research: What do we know and where do we go? Psychological Assessment,2001(December),Vol. 13(4),486-502.
MEYER, GREGORY J.Introduction to the final special section in the special series on the utility of the Rorschach for clinical assessment. Psychological Assessment,2001(December),Vol. 13(4),419-422.
MORI, LISA T. & ARMENDARIZ, GINA M.Analogue assessment of child behavior problems. Psychological Assessment,2001(March),Vol. 13(1),36-45.
MUESER, KIM T. et al.Psychometric evaluation of trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder assessment in persons with severe mental illness. Psychological Assessment,2001(March),Vol. 13(1),110-117.
NORTON, PETER J. & HOPE, DEBRA A.Analogue observational methods in the assessment of social functioning in adults. Psychological Assessment,2001(March),Vol. 13(1),59-72.
NOVY, DIANE M. et al.Psychometric comparability of English- and Spanish-language measures of anxiety and related affective symptoms. Psychological Assessment,2001(September),Vol. 13(3),347-355.
PERRY, WILLIAM.Incremental validity of the ego impairment index: A re-examination of Dawes (1999). Psychological Assessment,2001(September),Vol. 13(3),403-407.
ROBERTS, MARK W.Clinic observations of structured parent-child interaction designed to evaluate externalizing disorders. Psychological Assessment,2001(March),Vol. 13(1),46-58.
ROSENTHAL, ROBERT. et al.Meta-analytic methods, the Rorschach, and the MMPI. Psychological Assessment,2001(December),Vol. 13(4),449-451.
RUFFOLO, JESSICA SOMERVILLE. et al.A comparison of administration procedures for the Rey-Osterrieth complex figure: Flowcharts versus pen switching. Psychological Assessment,2001(September),Vol. 13(3),299-305.
SANTOR, DARCY A. & COYNE, JAMES C.Examining symptoms expression as a function of symptom severity: Item performance on the Hamilton Rating Scale for depression. Psychological Assessment,2001(March),Vol. 13(1),127-139.
SCHEIBE, SUSANNE. et al.Assessing posttraumatic stress disorder with the MMPI-2 in a sample of workplace accident victims. Psychological Assessment,2001(Sep.),Vol. 13(3),369-374.
SLEP, AMY M. SMITH. et al.Two new measures of attitudes about the acceptability of teen dating aggression. Psychological Assessment,2001(Sept.),Vol. 13(3),306-318.
STUSS, DONALD T. et al.The trail making test: A study in focal lesion patients. Psychological Assessment,2001(June),Vol. 13(2),230-239.
TRAN, GIAO Q. et al.MMPI-2 typology of pregnant drug-dependent women in treatment. Psychological Assessment,2001(September),Vol. 13(3),336-346.
TREAT, TERESA A. et al.Using cognitive science methods to assess the role of social information processing in sexually coercive behavior. Psychological Assessment,2001(December),Vol. 13(4),549-565.
TULSKY, DAVID S. et al.Development of a general ability index for the Wechsler Adult Intelligence ScalePsychological Assessment,2001(December),Vol. 13(4),566-571.
VEIEL, HANS O. F. & KOOPMAN, RAYMOND F.Biased estimators, biased experts, and the Ivory Tower: A reply to Grove (2001). Psychological Assessment,2001(September),Vol. 13(3),399-402.
VEIEL, HANS O. F. & KOOPMAN, RAYMOND F.The bias in regression-based indices of premorbid IQ. Psychological Assessment,2001(September),Vol. 13(3),356-368.
VIGLIONE, DONALD J. & HILSENROTH, MARK J.The Rorschach: Facts, fictions, and future. Psychological Assessment,2001(December),Vol. 13(4),452-471.
WEINER, IRVING B.Advancing the science of psychological assessment: The Rorschach Inkblot Method as exemplar. Psychological Assessment,2001(December),Vol. 13(4),423-432.
WOLFE, DAVID A. et al.Development and validation of the conflict in adolescent dating relationships inventory. Psychological Assessment,2001(June),Vol. 13(2),277-293.
YOUNGSTROM, ERIC A. et al.Discriminative validity of parent report of hypomanic and depressive symptoms on General Behavior Inventory. Psychological Assessment,2001(June),Vol.13(2),267-276
ALBARRACIN, DOLORES. et al.Theories of reasoned action and planned behavior as models of condom use: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin,2001(January),Vol. 127(1),142-161.
ARCHER, JOHN.Broad and narrow perspectives in grief theory: Comment on Bonanno and Kaltman (1999). Psychological Bulletin,2001(July),Vol. 127(4),554-560.
BETTENCOURT, B. ANN. et al.Status differences and in-group bias: A meta-analytic examination of the effects of status stability, status legitimacy, and group permeability. Psychological Bulletin,2001(July),Vol. 127(4),520-542.
BONANNO, GEORGE A.The crucial importance of empirical evidence in the development of bereavement theory: Reply to Archer (2001). Psychological Bulletin,2001(July),Vol. 127(4),561-564.
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ELLIOTT, DIGBY. et al.A century later: WoodworthPsychological Bulletin,2001(May),Vol. 127(3),342-357.
GOSHING, SAMUEL D.From mice to men: what can we learn about personality from animal research. Psychological Bulletin,2001(January),Vol. 127(1),45-86.
GRONDIN, SIMON.From physical time to the first and second moments of psychological time. Psychological Bulletin,2001(January),Vol. 127(1),22-44.
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KEIL, CHARLES T. & CORTINA, JOSE M.Degradation of validity over time: A test and extension of AckermanPsychological Bulletin,2001(September),Vol. 127(5),673-697.
KELTNER, DACHER. et al.Just teasing: A conceptual analysis and empirical review. Psychological Bulletin,2001(March),Vol. 127(2),229-248.
KENNY, DAVID A. et al.A social relations variance partitioning of dyadic behavior. Psychological Bulletin,2001(January),Vol. 127(1),128-141.
KIECOLT-GLASER, JANICE K. & NEWTON, TAMARA L.Marriage and health: His and hers. Psychological Bulletin,2001(July),Vol. 127(4),472-503.
KLUGER, AVRAHAM N. & TIKOCHINSKY, JONATHAN.The error of accepting the Psychological Bulletin,2001(May),Vol. 127(3),408-423.
KUBLER, ANDREA. et al.Brain-computer communication: Unlocking the locked in. Psychological Bulletin,2001(May),Vol. 127(3),358-375.
KUNCEL, NATHAN R. et al.A comprehensive meta-analysis of the predictive validity of the graduate record examinations: Implications for graduate student selection and performance. Psychological Bulletin,2001(January),Vol. 127(1),162-181.
KURZBAN, ROBERT & LEARY, MARK R.Evolutionary origins of stigmatization: The function of social exclusion. Psychological Bulletin,2001(March),Vol. 127(2),187-208.
LOEWENSTEIN, GEORGE F. et al.Risk as feelings. Psychological Bulletin,2001(March),Vol. 127(2),267-286.
LUSTIG, CINDY & HASHER, LYNN.Implicit memory is not immune to interference. Psychological Bulletin,2001(September),Vol. 127(5),618-628.
MARTIN, ROD A.Humor, laughter, and physical health: Methodological issues and research findings. Psychological Bulletin,2001(July),Vol. 127(4),504-519.
MCCULLOUGH, MICHAEL E. et al.Is gratitude a moral affect? Psychological Bulletin,2001(March),Vol. 127(2),249-266.
MILTON, JULIE & WISEMAN, RICHARD.Does Psi exist? Reply to Storm and Ertel (2001). Psychological Bulletin,2001(May),Vol. 127(3),434-438.
NIGG, JOEL T.Is ADHD a disinhibitory disorder? Psychological Bulletin,2001(September),Vol. 127(5),571-598.
PASUPATHI, MONISHA.The social construction of the personal past and its implications for adult development. Psychological Bulletin,2001(September),Vol. 127(5),651-672.
PINCUS, TAMAR & MORLEY, STEPHEN.Cognitive-processing bias in chronic pain: A review and integration. Psychological Bulletin,2001(September),Vol. 127(5),599-617.
RAKISON, DAVID H. & POULIN-DUBOIS, DIANE.Developmental origin of the animate-inanimate distinction. Psychological Bulletin,2001(March),Vol. 127(2),209-228.
RAYNOR, HOLLIE A. & EPSTEIN, LEONARD H.Dietary variety, energy regulation, and obesity. Psychological Bulletin,2001(May),Vol. 127(3),325-341.
RUTTER, MICHAEL. et al.Testing hypotheses on specific environmental causal effects on behavior. Psychological Bulletin,2001(May),Vol. 127(3),291-324.
STORM, LANCE & ERTEL, SUITBERT.Does Psi exist? Comments on Milton and WisemanPsychological Bulletin,2001(May),Vol. 127(3),424-433.
SUDDENDORF, THOMAS & WHITEN, ANDREW.Mental evolution and development: Evidence for secondary representation in children great apes, and other animals. Psychological Bulletin,2001(September),Vol. 127(5),629-650.
WILSON, MARGARET.Perceiving imitatible stimuli: Consequences of isomorphism between input and output. Psychological Bulletin,2001(July),Vol. 127(4),543-553.
ZACKS, JEFFREY M. & TVERSKY, BARBARA.Event structure in perception and conception. Psychological Bulletin,2001(January),Vol. 127(1),3-21.
BLUMBERG, MARK S. & SOKOLOFF, GRETA.Do infant rats cry? Psychological Review,2001(January),Vol. 108(1),83-95.
BOTVINICK, MATTHEW M. et al.Conflict monitoring and cognitive control. Psychological Review,2001(July),Vol. 108(3),624-652.
BOUTON, MARK E. et al.A modern learning theory perspective on the etiology of panic disorder. Psychological Review,2001(January),Vol. 108(1),4-32.
BUSHMAN, BRAD J. & ANDERSON, CRAIG A.Is it time to pull the plug on the hostile versus instrumental aggression dichotomy? Psychological Review,2001(January),Vol.108(1),273-279
BYRNE, MICHAEL D. & ANDERSON, JOHN R.Serial modules in parallel: The psychological refractory period and perfect time-sharing. Psychological Review,2001(October),Vol. 108(4),847-869.
COLTHEART, MAX. et al.DRC: A dual route cascaded model of visual word recognition and reading aloud. Psychological Review,2001(January),Vol. 108(1),204-256.
CORBALLIS, MICHAEL C.Is the handedness gene on the X chromosome? Comment on Jones and Martin (2000). Psychological Review,2001(October),Vol. 108(4),805-810.
CROCKER, JENNIFER & WOLFE, CONNIE T.Contingencies of self-worth. Psychological Review,2001(July),Vol. 108(3),593-623.
DENNIS, SIMON & HUMPHREYS MICHAEL S.A context noise model of episodic word recognition. Psychological Review,2001(April),Vol. 108(2),452-478.
DICK, FREDERIC. et al.Language deficits, localization, and grammar: Evidence for a distributive model of language breakdown in aphasic patients and neurologically intact individuals. Psychological Review,2001(October),Vol. 108(4),759-788.
DICKENS, WILLIAM T. & FLYNN, JAMES R.Heritability estimates versus large environmental effects: The IQ paradox resolved. Psychological Review,2001(April),Vol. 108(2),346-369.
GILDEN, DAVID L.Cognitive emissions of 1/f noise. Psychological Review,2001(January),Vol. 108(1),33-56.
GOSSELIN, FREDERICK & SCHYNS, PHILIPPE G.Why do we SLIP to the basic level? Computational constraints and their implementation. Psychological Review,2001(October),Vol. 108(4),735-758.
GREVE, WERNER.Traps and gaps in action explanation: Theoretical problems of a psychology of human action. Psychological Review,2001(April),Vol. 108(2),435-451.
HAIDT, JONATHAN.The emotional dog and its rational tail: A social intuitionist approach to moral judgment. Psychological Review,2001(October),Vol. 108(4),814-834.
HUBER, DAVID E. et al.Perception and preference in short-term word priming. Psychological Review,2001(January),Vol. 108(1),149-182.
JONES, GREGORY V. & MARTIN, MARYANNE.Confirming the X-linked handedness gene as recessive, not additive: Reply to Corballis (2001). Psychological Review,2001(October),Vol. 108(4),811-813.
LOGAN, GORDAN D. & GORDON, ROBERT D.Executive control of visual attention in dual-task situations. Psychological Review,2001(April),Vol. 108(2),393-434.
MAZUR, JAMES E.Hyperbolic value addition and general models of animal choice. Psychological Review,2001(January),Vol. 108(1),96-112.
MCKOON, GAIL & RATCLIFF, ROGER.Counter model for word identification: Reply to Bowers (1999). Psychological Review,2001(July),Vol. 108(3),674-681.
MOVELLAN, JAVIER R. & MCCLELLAND, JAMES L.The Morton-Massaro law of information integration: Implications for models of perception. Psychological Review,2001(January),Vol. 108(1),113-148.
NEWELL, KARL M. et al.Time scales in motor learning and development. Psychological Review,2001(January),Vol. 108(1),57-82.
NISBETT, RICHARD E. et al.Culture and systems of thought: Holistic versus analytic cognition. Psychological Review,2001(April),Vol. 108(2),291-310.
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OHMAN, ARNE & MINEKA, SUSAN.Fears, phobias, and preparedness: Toward an evolved module of fear and fear learning. Psychological Review,2001(July),Vol. 108(3),483-522.
OVER, DAVID E. & GREEN, DAVID W.Contingency, causation, and adaptive inference. Psychological Review,2001(July),Vol. 108(3),682-684.
POUGET, ALEXANDRE & SEJNOWSKI, TERRENCE J.Simulating a lesion in a basis function model of spatial representations: Comparison with Hemineglect. Psychological Review,2001(July),Vol. 108(3),653-673.
RATCLIFF, ROGER & MCKOON, GAIL.A multinominal model for short-term priming in world identification. Psychological Review,2001(October),Vol. 108(4),835-846.
ROE, ROBERT M. et al.Multialternative decision field theory: A dynamic connectionist model of decision making. Psychological Review,2001(April),Vol. 108(2),370-392.
ROSENBAUM, DAVID A. et al.Posture-based motion planning: Applications to grasping. Psychological Review,2001(October),Vol. 108(4),709-734.
SCHOOLER, LAEL J. et al.A Bayesian model for implicit effects in perceptual identification. Psychological Review,2001(January),Vol. 108(1),257-272.
SORKIN, ROBERT D. et al.Signal-detection analysis of group decision making. Psychological Review,2001(January),Vol. 108(1),183-203.
SPRINGER, KEN.Perceptual boundedness and perceptual support in conceptual development. Psychological Review,2001(October),Vol. 108(4),691-708.
TROUT, J. D.The biological basis of speech: What to infer from talking to the animals. Psychological Review,2001(July),Vol. 108(3),523-549.
USHER, MARIUS & MCCLELLAND, JAMES L.The time course of perceptual choice: The leaky, competing accumulator model. Psychological Review,2001(July),Vol. 108(3),550-592.
VICKERS, DOUGLAS & PIETSCH, ANTHONY.Decision making and memory: A critique of Juslin and OlssonPsychological Review,2001(October),Vol. 108(4),789-804.
ACKERMAN, BRIAN P. et al.Maternal relationship instability and the school behavior of children from disadvantaged families.Developmental Psychology,2002(September),Vol. 38(5),694-704.
ADAM, EMMA K. & CHASE-LANSDALE, P. LINDSAY.Home sweet home(s): Parental separations, residential moves, and adjustment problems in low-income adolescent girls.Developmental Psychology,2002(September),Vol. 38(5),792-805.
ALTERMATT, ELLEN RYDELL. et al.Predicting changes in childrenDevelopmental Psychology,2002 (November),Vol. 38(6),903-917.
BENNETT, DAVID S. et al.ChildrenDevelopmental Psychology,2002 (September),Vol. 38(5),648-658.
BOOTH, AMY E. et al.Perception of the symmetrical patterning of human gait by infants.Developmental Psychology,2002 (July),Vol. 38(4),554-563.
BOOTH, AMY E. & WAXMAN, SANDRA.Object names and object functions serve as cues to categories for infants.Developmental Psychology,2002 (November),Vol. 38(6),948-957.
BRAINERD, C. J. & REYNA, V. F.Recollection rejection: How children edit their false memories.Developmental Psychology,2002(January),Vol. 38(1),156-172.
BROOKS, RECHELE & MELTZOFF, ANDREW N.The importance of eyes: How infants interpret adult looking behavior.Developmental Psychology,2002(November),Vol. 38(6),958-966.
BUTLER, SAMANTHA C. et al.Two-year-oldsDevelopmental Psychology,2002(July),Vol. 38(4),581-590.
CAPALDI, DEBORAH M. et al.Heterosexual risk behaviors in at-risk young men from early adolescence to young adulthood: Prevalence, prediction, and association with STD contraction.Developmental Psychology,2002(May),Vol. 38(3),394-406.
CHANG, PAUL P. W. et al.ChildrenDevelopmental Psychology,2002(November),Vol. 38(6),1038-1051.
CHAVAJAY, PABLO & ROGOFF, BARBARA.Schooling and traditional collaborative social organization of problem solving by Mayan mothers and children.Developmental Psychology,2002 (January),Vol. 38(1),55-66.
CHILDERS, JANE B. & TOMASELLO, MICHAEL.Two-year-olds learn novel nouns, verbs, and conventional actions from massed or distributed exposures.Developmental Psychology,2002 (November),Vol. 38(6),967-978.
COLLEDGE, ESSI. et al.The structure of language abilities at 4 years: A twin study.Developmental Psychology,2002(September),Vol. 38(5),749-757.
COLWELL, MALINDA J. et al.Contextual determinants of mothersDevelopmental Psychology,2002(July),Vol. 38(4),492-502.
CONGER, RAND D. et al.Economic pressure in African American families: A replication and extension of the family stress model.Developmental Psychology,2002(March),Vol. 38(2),179-193.
CROWELL, JUDITH A. et al.Assessing secure base behavior in adulthood: Development of a measure, links to adult attachment representations, and relations to couplesDevelopmental Psychology,2002(September),Vol. 38(5),679-693.
CROWELL, JUDITH A. et al.Stability of attachment representations: The transition to marriage.Developmental Psychology,2002(July),Vol.38(4),467-479.
DAVISON,KIRSTEN KRAHNSTOEVER & BIRCH, LEANN LIPPS.Processes linking weight status and self-concept among girls from ages 5 to 7 years.Developmental Psychology,2002(September),Vol. 38(5),745-748.
DEAK, GEDEON O. et al.Matching and naming objects by shape or function: Age and context effects in preschool children.Developmental Psychology,2002(July),Vol. 38(4),503-518.
DIAMOND, ADELE. et al.CondiDevelopmental Psychology,2002(May),Vol. 38(3),352-362.
DIPIETRO, JANET A. et al.Maternal stress and affect influence fetal neurobehavioral development.Developmental Psychology,2002(September),Vol. 38(5),659-668.
DISHION, THOMAS J. & OWEN, LEE D.A longitudinal analysis of friendships and substance use: Bidirectional influence from adolescence to adulthood.Developmental Psychology,2002(July),Vol. 38(4),480-491.
DIXON, JAMES A. & BANGERT, ASHLEY S.The prehistory of discovery: Precursors of representational change in solving gear system problems.Developmental Psychology,2002(November),Vol. 38(6),918-933.
DOHERTY-SNEDDON, G. et al.Development of gaze aversion as disengagement from visual information.Developmental Psychology,2002(May),Vol. 38(3),438-445.
DUBOIS, DAVID L. et al.Getting by with a little help from self and others: Self-esteem and social support as resources during early adolescence.Developmental Psychology,2002(September),Vol. 38(5),822-839.
ESKRITT, MICHELLE & LEE, KANG.Developmental Psychology,2002(March),Vol. 38(2),254-266.
FEIRING, CANDICE. et al.Adjustment following sexual abuse discovery: The role of shame and attributional style.Developmental Psychology,2002 (January),Vol. 38(1),79-92.
FELDMAN, RUTH. et al.Skin-to-skin contact (Kangaroo care) promotes self-regulation in premature infants: Sleep-wake cyclicity, arousal modulation, and sustained exploration.Developmental Psychology,2002(March),Vol. 38(2),194-207.
FREDRICKS, JENNIFER A. & ECCLES, JACQUELYNNE S.ChildrenDevelopmental Psychology,2002(July),Vol. 38(4),519-533.
FULIGNI, ANDREW J. & PEDERSEN, SARA.Family obligation and the transition to young adulthood.Developmental Psychology,2002(Sep.),Vol.38(5),856-868.
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RUSCIO, AYELET MERON & RUSCIO, JOHN.The latent structure of analogue depression: Should the Beck Depression Inventory be used to classify groups?Psychological Assessment,2002(June),Vol. 14(2),135-145.
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BARNETT, SUSAN M. & CECI, STEPHEN I.When and where do we apply what we learn? A taxonomy for far transfer.Psychological Bulletin,2002(July),Vol. 128(4),612-637.
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RHEE, SOO HYUN & WALDMAN, IRWIN D.Genetic and environmental influences on antisocial behavior: A meta-analysis of twin and adoption studies.Psychological Bulletin,2002(May),Vol. 128(3),490-529.
ROBERTS, WILLIAM A. Are animals stuck in time?Psychological Bulletin,2002(May),Vol. 128(3),473-489.
ROBINSON, MICHAEL D. & CLORE, GERALD L. Belief and feeling: Evidence for an accessibility model of emotional self-report.Psychological Bulletin,2002(November),Vol. 128(6),934-960.
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TWENGE, JEAN M. & CROCKER, JENNIFER.Race and self-esteem revisited: Reply to Hafdahl and Gray-Little (2002).Psychological Bulletin,2002(May),Vol. 128(3),417-420.
TWENGE, JEAN M. & CROCKER, JENNIFER.Race and self-esteem: Meta-analyses comparing whites, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and American Indians and comment on Gray-Little and Hafdahl (2000).Psychological Bulletin,2002(May),Vol. 128(3),371-408.
VIGLIOCCO, GABRIELLA & HARTSUIKER, ROBERT J.The interplay of meaning, sound, and syntax in sentence production.Psychological Bulletin,2002(May),Vol. 128(3),442-472.
WASCHBUSCH, DANIEL A.A meta-analytic examination of comorbid hyperactive-impulsive-attention problems and conduct problems.Psychological Bulletin,2002(January),Vol. 128(1),118-150.
WOOD, WENDY & EAGLY, ALICE H.A cross-cultural analysis of the behavior of women and men: Implications for the origins of sex differences.Psychological Bulletin,2002(September),Vol. 128(5),699-727.
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ANDERSEN, SUSAN M. & CHEN, SERENA.The relational self: An interpersonal socialPsychological Review,2002(October),Vol. 109(4),619-645.
BRASE, GARY L.Ecological and evolutionary validity: Comments on Johnson-Laird, Legrenzi, Girotto, Legrenzi, and CaverniPsychological Review,2002(October),Vol. 109(4),722-728.
BUCK, ROSS.The genetics and biology of true love: Prosocial biological affects and the left hemisphere.Psychological Review,2002(October),Vol. 109(4),739-744.
CAPLAN, DAVID & WATERS, GLORIA.Working memory and connectionist models of parsing: A reply to MacDonald and Christiansen (2002).Psychological Review,2002(January),Vol. 109(1),66-74.
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DECARLO, LAWRENCE T.Signal detection theory with finite mixture distributions: Theoretical developments with applications to recognition memory.Psychological Review,2002(October),Vol. 109(4),710-721.
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GARLICK, DENNIS.Understanding the nature of the general factor of intelligence: The role of individual differences in neural plasticity as an explanatory mechanism.Psychological Review,2002(January),Vol. 109(1),116-136.
GEARY, DAVID C. & FLINN, MARK V.Sex differences in behavioral and hormonal response to social threat: Commentary on Taylor et al. (2000).Psychological Review,2002(October),Vol. 109(4),745-750.
GOLDSTEIN, DANIEL G. & GIGERENZER, GERD.Models of ecological rationality: The recognition heuristic.Psychological Review,2002(January),Vol. 109(1),75-90.
GONZALEZ-VALLEGO, CLAUDIA. Making trade-offs: A probabilistic and context-sensitive model of choice behavior.Psychological Review,2002 (January),Vol. 109(1),137-155.
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GREENWALD, ANTHONY G. et al.A unified theory of implicit attitudes, stereotypes, self-esteem, and self-concept.Psychological Review,2002(January),Vol. 109(1),3-25.
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JOHNSON-LAIRD, P. N. & BYRNE, RUTH M. J.Conditionals: A theory of meaning, pragmatics, and inference.Psychological Review,2002(October),Vol. 109(4),646-678.
JOHNSTON, TIMOTHY D. & EDWARDS, LAURA.Genes, interactions, and the development of behavior.Psychological Review,2002(January),Vol. 109(1),26-34.
JUST, MARCEL ADAM & VARMA, SASHANK. A hybrid architecture for working memory: Reply to MacDonald and Christiansen (2002).Psychological Review,2002(January),Vol.109(1),55-65.
KAKADE, SHAM & DAYAN, PETER.Acquisition and extinction in autoshaping.Psychological Review,2002(July),Vol. 109(3),533-544.
KLEIN, STANLEY B. et al.Decisions and the evolution of memory: Multiple systems, multiple functions.Psychological Review,2002(April),Vol. 109(2),306-329.
LAMBIE, JOHN A. & MARCEL, ANTHONY J.Consciousness and the varieties of emotion experience: A theoretical framework.Psychological Review,2002(April),Vol. 109(2),219-259.
LOEHLIN, JOHN C.The IQ paradox: Resolved? Still an open question.Psychological Review,2002(October),Vol. 109(4),754-758.
LOGAN, GORDON D.An instance theory of attention and memory.Psychological Review,2002(April),Vol. 109(2),376-400.
LUCE, R. DUNCAN. A psychophysical theory of intensity proportions, joint presentations, and matches.Psychological Review,2002(July),Vol. 109(3),520-532.
MACDONALD, MARYELLEN C. & CHRISTIANSEN, MORTEN H.Reassessing working memory: Comment on Just and Carpenter (1992) and Waters and Caplan (1996).Psychological Review,2002(January),Vol. 109(1),35-54.
MOLDOVEANU, MIHNEA & LANGER, ELLEN.False memories of the future: A critique of the applications of probabilistic reasoning to the study of cognitive processes.Psychological Review,2002(April),Vol. 109(2),358-375.
MOZER, MICHAEL C.Frames of reference in unilateral neglect and visual perception: A computational perspective.Psychological Review,2002(January),Vol. 109(1),156-185.
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HOFMANN, MURAD WILFRIED. The concept of al-Insan al-Kamil as a cultural phenomenon and its implications for Muslim-west relations. Islamic Studies, 2003(Spring), Vol. 42(1), 137-146.
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JAMEELAH, MARYAM. Modern ideas and concepts in the works of Maulana Sayyid Abul AIslamic Studies, 2003(Summer), Vol. 42(2), 347-352
JAWAD, HAIFAA. Muslim feminism: The case study of Amina WadudIslamic Studies, 2003(Spring), Vol. 42(1), 107-125.
KALIN, IBRAHI,. An annotated bibliography of the works of Mulla Sadra with a brief account of His life. Islamic Studies, 2003(Spring), Vol. 42(1), 21-62.
KAZMI, YEDULLAH. Islamic education: Traditional education or education of tradition? Islamic Studies, 2003(Summer), Vol. 42(2), 259-288.
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