Dr. Claudio from Italy
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Visit to NIP by
Dr. Claudio Longobardi, an Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, University of Turin, Italy
Dr. Claudio Longobardi, an Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, University of Turin, Italy
Dr. Claudio Longobardi, an Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, University of Turin, Italy visited National Institute of Psychology (NIP) on 21st April, 2022 to discover possibilities of future linkages and research collaborations with the Institute. The faculty and students of NIP had fruitful conversations with Dr. Longobardi on topics of mutual interest. He also shared some of his completed and ongoing research projects. He appreciated the efforts of the Director regarding streamlining various academic and community-related projects and services and the way the institute has built its reputation on global level. In the end, he extended his best wishes for the faculty and students of NIP.