National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad

Message From Director

Message From Director, NIP

Dr. Muhammad Ajmal , National Institute of Psychology (NIP) was established in 1976 under a resolution with main objectives to undertake social psychological research and to look into the factors which impede national integration, and thus also to discover new ways of installing a sense of nation-hood among the people of the country. As the core of establishing a model for higher education is to pursue excellence and diversity, NIP aims to not only develop and provide higher education as a pillar of excellence in education but also develop and implement connections between university and community. To achieve these goals, NIP engage students in goal oriented and high level taching and research, train researchers to explore core issues in society, promote co-operation in inter-disciplinary relationship with other teaching and research establishments; further, NIP has well established links with other civil and private organizations and collaborates in developing intervention and prevention programs for such problems. Keeping intact our first priority, to prepare students as knowledgeable, skillful and dedicated professionals who contribute in the development of nation, we are working hard to establish a peaceful, emotionally stable and flourishing community.

Prof. Dr. Rubina Hanif