National Institute of Psychology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad



Library at National Institute of Psychology is the best National library offering variety of services to social scientists in general and psychologists in particular. It contains massive sources of information. Our collection of books ranges from general psychology topics to some of very new and emerging disciplines in psychology.


08.00 to 1600    Monday to Friday

The Library shall remain closed on Saturday, Sunday and gazetted holidays.



NIP library has a modest and specialized collection of more than 11000 books, keeping in view the needs of teaching and research in various disciplines of Psychology.


NIP library has been subscribing international Journals. Library receives some research Journals on exchange program against Institute’s Journal PJPR. Back Volumes of 115 International and National Journals are available and back volumes of 22 Journals are available on Microform.


Library is subscribing daily national, leading newspapers and magazines in order to enhance the current affairs knowledge of its patrons.


Library has more than 1500 theses/research report carried out by NIP Students. An alphabetically  list of M.Sc, M.Phil, and Ph.D theses has been prepared to facilitate the library users for search the theses/research reports.

Borrowing Books

Borrower’s card will be issued to NIP Students and NIP Faculty. Please remember to bring this card with you for borrowing books.  If you lose borrowers card, please report the loss to Library staff immediately. A replacement borrowers card will be provided for Rs.50/-.

Three Books will be issued to BS students and Five books will be issued to M.Phil/Ph.D students for two weeks only. Ten books will be issued to academic staff for four weeks only. Same books will not be re-issued at least for 15 days.

One Reference book will be issued to student for overnight only. Rs. 10/- per day will be charged for the number of days the book remains with the borrower for an unauthorised period.


 Open Access

NIP Library offers open access to its users. In open access, books, journals and other reading material are kept open on shelves rather than in closed, lock and key as this library is basically research oriented. Readers have thus direct access to academic sources without any barrier.

General Reading Services

Large number of students, scholars and researchers of other universities, psychological institutions, colleges etc. are immensely using this library.

Photocopy Services

Photocopy Services is also available in NIP Library on payment basis.

Assistance in the Use of Library

The library staff helps students to become effective and independent learners, assisting in the locating / searching of library material, train clientele “how to use of library”.


Index of Psychological Tests used in NIP Researches

Index of Psychological Tests lists Instruments used in the researches. It includes subject index and author index, which facilitate researchers to locate relevant scale. A valuable publication for research students, Index of Psychological Tests has greatly facilitated the laborious task of identifying and locating the Psychological Tests, relevant research material pertaining to a particular area or a specific topic. NIP Library published 2 volumes. Vol. 1, in 2015 (covered the period of 1986-2015). Vol. 2, in 2020 (covered the period of 2016-2020). This index is also available for purchase @ cost of Rs.600/-.

Index of Articles Published in Pakistani Research Journals Available at NIP Library

Index of Articles Published in Pakistani Research Journals available at NIP Library. It includes Subject Index and Author Index, which facilitate researchers to locate relevant Pakistani articles. 

Online Library Catalogue

The online library catalogue is essentially a bibliography of all the books available in the library. The online library catalogue is a really good way of finding books.


NIP Library also offer service of NIPSCAN, which is a unique effort on behalf of NIP Library, as it offers access to articles in journals. NIPSCAN lists articles appearing in journals received by NIP Library. It includes subject index and author index, which facilitates researchers to locate desired material. Full text articles can be obtained through relevant journals. NIPSCAN is updated yearly.

HEC Digital Library

HEC National Digital Library (DL) is a programme to provide researchers within public and private universities in Pakistan and non-profit research and development organizations with access to international scholarly literature based on electronic (online) delivery, providing access to high quality, peer-reviewed journals, databases, articles and e-Books across a wide range of disciplines. The e-books support programme will allow researchers to access most of the important text and reference books electronically in a variety of subject areas. Around 75,000 number of electronic content has been made available through the Digital Library Programme.

For Further Information please Contact
Mr. Abdul Qayoom (Librarian)